What’s Growing On DGC? The Dude and Scotty are Hanging Out Talking Cannabis News, Culture and Growing.
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Dude’s World
First frost of the year! Benefits of containers outdoors.
Frost Protection by Skunk Rock Guitarist
Protecting Cannabis Plants Just Before Harvest
Covering them/ temp greenhouse
Winter frost FTW!
Fall of Prohibition Report:
This week we’re learning about the cannabis scene in CALIFORNIA
If you’re from there, grow there or just know about the scene/ laws there then, Please leave a comment on the Instagram post
Let us know… Med/Rec? What’s Legal? How’s the Flower? Got Dabs? Prices? Growers Rights? Dispos? Culture? Best comments featured on next week’s shows! CALIFORNIA DGC Represent!
California governor rejects marijuana marketing curbs, consumption cafes
Regarding shipping clones:
Txx293 – That’s why you don’t ever “buy” clones…at my local shop. They’re just super generous and give them out all the time…people just always seem to donate generously, roughly fifty bucks after being given such a nice gift 😉
BadBoyV1 – You can keep unrooted cuts in your fridge for 2-3 months and still get them to root.
DawgzDazeGardenz14 – Hey, yall should do another episode and touch back on how to ship clones. Please dont think I am being a dick, but Dude and Scotty gave some very very bad advice man and like I would not even say shit but that could probably get some people in trouble.
I ship out 20 packages a week damn near. trading clones and selling bud. You do not ever ever ever wanna do overnight. Always go with USPS never ever ever do the private ones. When you overnight stuff it almost always goes through organic matter scanners.
USPS Priority 2-3 day.
unrooted snips are also the easiest way to ship em. They go into a stasis and you can even vacuum seal them up. They arrive and all ya gotta do i plug em into a rooting plug and put in a dome. Its the only way I can send them in winter. You wanna get the USPS priority boxes, do not pay for express shipping. The 2-3 day is perfect and way safer. My homie sent 1 clone and got busted by taking someone elses advice and using UPS overnight. He wasted 100 bucks and got caught.
Over night shipping goes through way more security. My homie Derbs worked for fedex and gave me the run down on all this shit when I started using the mail to move flower
I have my really pretty wife ship everything too and make sure ya dont reek of herb when ya go. My wife told them she sells home made jewelry on etsy. If its just a clone here and there its no biggie, but when your taking weekly orders for flower or clones ya definitely wanna come up with some kinda cover story for the clerk too.
Andrea.7678 – When I used to live in Barcelona I used to ship clones back to Kentucky in a cd case that was back in the 90s
Johnclawsdamnvan6937 – I really wanna be like, “I love my Dynavap! Thanks Dude!” Also kinda wonder what Dude’s finger smells like 🤐 Fun show!! 😆🤘
The_witch_of_coos – The Witch of Coos is an old song about a traveler meeting a woman and her son, who tell a story about the skeleton in their attic and how he came to be there.
02. How Marijuana Completely Changes Your Sleep Posted by AsapSCIENCE
Meanwhile in Canada: Raccoon Man
The law of attraction- I got this one from Steve Harvey’s FB. I leave you with an inspiring quote from Hi-C’s facebook: Go ahead and direct your energy whichever way you want. I’m gonna keep mine directed at bringing more love, hope, and celebration into the universe.
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