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Thank you DGC for the support ❤

Looks like I’m signing up!

Hello DGC, It’s a somber morning, as I wake to bake and what the new episode I cannot find the channel. As of now YouTube is protecting us from the ‘dangerous’ and  ‘misinformed’ podcast, that is only leading to our delinquency, by...
Some bad luck for friend

Some bad luck for friend

Hey DGC, it’s Johnny Apple weed here with a bit of a unusual and sad question. I was hoping to get the word out that my brother in laws brother just had his house burn down Saturday and we know that the cause of the fire was a faulty fan in his growth tent. He is a...
News from the North…. Good? Bad?

News from the North…. Good? Bad?

Hello good day freakazoids, I went to MI to what they say is a common function. A care givers industry type festival.  I am from Oregon. We have already had our asses handed to us in medical. I was amazed to see how loose it was with rules on selling. Every booth was...
Thank you DGC for the support ❤

Hats Off to the DGC

Where would we be without DGC producer/contributors like Soup, Coach Steve and Jmystro to name a few and of course the Dude, Scotty and Guru but that’s a given. Between these guys/gals I don’t think there is a cannabis grow question or problem they can’t handle. They...