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Hey DGC,
A lot of us grow outside and most of us have had to worry about fly overs and getting caught. Well it happened to me first hand well second hand. I’m in prohibition land but we are voting in Nov. to be recreational. So I had a patch of babes at my 82yo gramas house. I had 7 good sized plants.

Well yesterday my grama called and said there’s a helicopter going up and down the street and it hovered right over the house. Black suvs and sheriffs cars up and down the road. I told her idk maybe they looking for someone. Well she called 20 min later to tell me, the plants are all gone…they came and chopped them down with a machete and left. She said it was about half a dozen sheriffs and a FBI guy overseeing the group. She asked if they could leave her one so she can make her edibles. They said they would but they have to take them all. They cut them down and went on down the road.

We found out they found her two neighbors plants as well. No body got cited, written warning anything! They just chopped and went on to the next place. So that shocked the hell out of me but I guess if they expect it to go rec it would be dumb to get charged and before you were even done with court it gets voted to be legal what you were doing…

So my grama asked the guy, how did you find it? He told her it has a glow. I told her that it’s probably bc it’s the only thing around getting watered and fertilized and sticks out being bright green. Then looking online I read they reflect more infrared light off their leaves and makes it more visible? I read plants in production of fruit give off more heat signatures?

My question is how exactly do they spot it? Is it just visual sight of bright green plants, infrared, heat?