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Christmas carcass tree for free

Christmas carcass tree for free

Who has 2 thumbs and loves saving money?   Probably all of us.     So this year with the cowboy cup and illness, I got behind on making my tree.   I wanted to do a hanging ball of branches.    People in hell want ice water though.    So here it is.   MERRY CHRISTMAS...


Hello DGC! If anyone is looking for a cheap, low wattage, and safe heater. I’ve been using the pet warmer heater with absolute success. It comes with stands and also has a hanging option which I find works like a charm. I attached a metal bar with screws that...
Double decker plant wetter

Double decker plant wetter

Got a 5 gal bucket filled to the rim of what looks like Brim? Splashing all over the place?  Got some wheels but still a mess?    Mix the 5, split with another bucket and stack. The lower bucket is covered by saucer and the top is only half full.    The product...
Moisture Retention and more

Moisture Retention and more

While answering a question about my post with my Aussie Bastard, it was pointed out to me that I have another potential hack on my hands. I got a few clones from a local friend a while back and on the top of the soil was this white layer. I asked him about it and,...